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Order NOW to receive your Shout-Out by March 10.
Thank you for supporting Sister Shout-Outs as a fun way to promulgate joy safely.
You tell us what to say and we will do it in our usual glorious way!

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Each individual Sister Shout-Out is $20.00.
To support the RRSPI Grants fund, please complete the following form
Choose from one of these Sisters

Sr Sparkle

Sr Tooty

Sr Sorenda

Sr Yoda

Sr Yanita

Sr Sara
Once the Sister Shout-Out is made, it will be sent to you via email for you to give to the recipient.
Sister Shout-Outs will be made by your selected Sister / Guard once a month.
If there are time considerations, please let us know.
If you have any question please email
Please, complete a separate form for each Sister Shout-Out.
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