Sister Claire Voyante
What is your full Sister name?
Sister Claire Voyante
Date you joined the order?
October 23, 2006; Sainted in April 2005
What is your lay occupation?
Realtor; Bartender
Date of birth?
December 18
Home town?
Princeton, NJ
When did you discover your calling?
I discovered my calling when I was 3 years old and found I fit perfectly in my brother's jeans. I am a bio/straight redneck female.
Big Sisters/Mother in the order?
My mother is the infamous Sister Nova Nilla. Sister Ida Claire and Sister Sparkle Plenty are my big sisters.
Why did you join?
I joined because I can. I also joined because I can make a difference.
Religious beliefs (if any)?
Goals and aspirations?
Rules by which I live ...
Never wear a pair of shoes you can't run in.
Other People's words which I find instructive ...
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Quotes ...
"Don't just sit there ... Do something!"