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Russian River Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Russian River Sisters Bingo is presented monthly by the Russian River Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (RRSPI) and is managed by the RRSPI Bingo Committee. Requests to be a bingo beneficiary are accepted online and reviewed and evaluated by the Bingo Committee for approval. Please note that we receive many requests and there are no guarantees that your group will be chosen. However, if your group is not selected, your application will be referred to the Russian River Sisters Grants Committee for possible assistance from them in the spring.
Our vision encompasses diverse communities and groups that have a common interest in human rights, people of every gender, gender identity, race, class age, and sexual orientation. In choosing a beneficiary, we generally look for how this money can be utilized to serve the needs of our local Sonoma County communities. Being a Bingo beneficiary is different from being a Grant recipient, as the Russian River Sisters alone cannot produce this event without the assistance of volunteers. Therefore, a volunteer and promotional commitment
from your organization is needed prior to being selected. Please read these requirements carefully and contact the Bingo Chairnun Sister Sorenda 'da Booty at if you have any questions.
Volunteer Requirements/ Rules and Level of Commitment
In order to ensure a successful event, it is expected that the beneficiary will actively promote the event using their organization's contact lists, newsletters, and social media during the month prior to the Bingo. RRSPI will create an event poster and event page on facebook, and we encourage the beneficiary to share that event page.
A beneficiary organization must supply and guarantee four (4) volunteers to perform the following duties and skill sets listed below.
All beneficiary organization volunteers will check in with the RRSPI Bingo Chairnun and/or the Volunteer Wrangler for task assignments upon arrival at 4:30 PM. If any questions arise, that is the person to consult.
Name tags will be provided and should be worn while in the Bingo Hall. Pets are not allowed.
Volunteers and guests must be at least 18 years old to be present in the Hall during games.
If volunteers wish to play bingo, they must purchase a ticket ($25) in advance.
One spokesperson from the beneficiary organization will be asked by the MCs to speak briefly about the organization and how the funds raised will be used.
After the event, please do not publicly disclose the exact amount raised. We ask this primarily as a safety concern for our events.
We also welcome sharing any photos with us from the bingo. To be considered for future bingos please send photos and stories how this positively impacted our community. Please forward photos to
Our events are "scent free" in consideration of those with allergies or breathing issues, so please no strong perfumes, cologne, etc.
Setup at the Vets Hall starts promptly at 4:30 PM - Volunteers must be punctual.
Physical labor is involved, so volunteers must be able to lift at least 30 pounds with no restrictions. Volunteers will be lifting sound equipment, kitchen supplies, and boxes of supplies. RRSPI or Sonoma County Vets Hall is NOT liable for any injuries to any volunteer.
Bingo supplies and sound equipment is stored in bins and needs to be carried from Sister's and other volunteer's cars into the hall. Bingo supplies are also in a cupboard in the hall that a ladder needs to be climbed and bins etc retrieved from the cupboard.
Hall setup includes the setting up of all daubers on the tables (8) per table.
Snack supplies carried into the hall and unpacked at the snack area.
Some bingos have themes that may require the setup of decorations.
Setup must be completed by 5:15 PM.
Doors open at 5:30 PM.
Organizations should provide at least 4 items to be offered as auction items, such as gift baskets, artwork, or gifts in keeping with the bingo theme. If the Bingo has a co-beneficiary, the requirement is 2 per beneficiary. If you are in doubt about what to provide, contact the Bingo Chairnun for advice. Alcoholic beverages may not be offered as raffle or auction prizes. as it would be a violation of our bingo license. A gift certificate for alcohol or wine tasting is acceptable.
Game Time:
Games begin at 7:00 PM. Once the games begin, volunteers may play bingo or leave the premises. Volunteers must pay to play bingo. Volunteers who leave must remain available and let the Bingo Chairnun know where they will be in case their assistance is needed.
There are no free drinks, food, or snacks.
All volunteers should plan to be in the Bingo Hall by 9:00 PM (game # 5) for cleanup activities.
Immediately after game #5, volunteers will issue garbage bags to each table.
Immediately following game # 6 (last game) volunteers will assist, under the direction of the Bingo Chairnun, or the MC, to collect daubers prior to the remaining raffle prizes being given away.
All trash from tables is to be collected into garbage bags (players help in this.)
All daubers will be placed in designated storage bins.
All tables will be wiped clean of dauber marks.
All decorations must be removed.
Bingo supplies in bins, sound equipment, and Kitchen supplies will be carried to cars or put in storage.
Check perimeter outside to be sure all trash and cigarette butts are cleaned up.
The outside banner and all signage should be retrieved.
After a final examination of the premises, the Bingo Chairnun will inform volunteers that their service is completed, and they may leave. The Bingo Chairnun must be informed if a volunteer has to leave before this point.
The PIC at the Vet's Building will give the all clear for when we are done.
Each bingo is different and no specific amounts can be guaranteed. Checks are normally issued within 90 days from the Bingo event and are calculated as gross dollars minus costs incurred for a net donation.
RRSPI reserves the right to withhold proceeds, to be transferred to the General Fund (to be dispersed to other charities), in the event of failure of volunteers to perform duties as required.
Unfortunately, some volunteers have been late for setup and/or left prior to checkout, which causes added pressure on Sisters for setup and teardown. In order to prevent this from happening, RRSPI has created this incentive policy.
Beneficiaries who comply with these requirements will receive the maximum amount possible from their Bingo.
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